Becoming Human: Evolution, Beginning and End of Life

Date: 27-29 March 2017
Location: St John’s College, Durham University
Audience: Senior Leaders

This conference on evolution and the beginning and end of life invites reflections on the notion that we are made in the likeness of God. How does our identity in Christ contextualise the process of death and dying?


  • Death and dying
  • Imago Dei
  • Purpose in creation and human intention

Keynote Speakers:

  • Professor Douglas Davies
  • Canon Professor Simon Oliver
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Video Resources

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Death And Dying – Professor Douglas Davies

Douglas Davies unpacks the process of death and dying in the context of identity.

Lecture Creation
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Theological Perspectives Pt. 1 ‘Imago Dei’ – Canon Professor Simon Oliver

Simon Oliver reflects on the Biblical notion that we are made in the image and likeness of God.

Lecture BIBLE
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Theological Perspectives Pt. 2 ‘Purpose In Creation & Human Intention’ – Canon Professor Simon Oliver

Simon Oliver explores what we mean by ‘human nature’, Darwin’s theory of evolution and modernity’s dualisms. The talk has both a theological and philosophical framing to it.

Lecture Creation
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Being Human: AI, Transhumanism, and SETI

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AI and Robotics: the science, opportunities, and challenges (senior church leaders)